2025 Southern Amateur Championship Sectional Qualifying

Sectional Qualifying and Alternates
- Sectional qualifying is 18 holes of stroke play.
- The number of qualifiers' places at each site is determined by the SGA after entries close, based on the size of the field. Ties for the final qualifying position will be determined by sudden death playoff immediately following the conclusion of play. Unless otherwise determined in a sudden death playoff, alternates will be ordered by the scores at each qualifying site using the USGA recommended scorecard playoff procedure to break ties (last 9 (Holes 10-18), last 6 (Holes 13-18), last 3 (Holes 16-18), 18th hole, 1st hole, 2nd hole, etc. until the tie is broken).
- If a Sectional Qualifying location cannot fill its qualifiers’ places, or if an exempt player withdraws, the open spot will be re-allotted to another qualifying site location pre-determined by the SGA.
- Qualifying site assignment is based on the date/time the SGA receives and processes each entry form. Qualifying site assignments cannot be changed after entries close.
- If a qualifying site is full at the time of registration, a player may opt to be placed on that site’s alternate wait list or register at another qualifying site. A player may only register for one qualifying site.
- Wait list alternates and on-site alternates are ranked according to date/time an entry is received and processed. Qualifying site player information is sent after entries are accepted.
- *Note: Qualifying sites may be cancelled due to a lack of participation.
Sectional Qualifying Entries Close: May 19, 2025
On-Site Qualifier Entries Open: May 20, 2025
On-Site Qualifier Entries Close: July 9, 2025
Sectional qualifying entry fee is $215.00/$235.00 for On-Site Qualifier and includes qualifying round cart/range fees. For players who successfully qualify, the SGA will charge the credit card used to register for sectional qualifying the remaining championship entry fee balance of $180.00 ($160.00 for On-Site Qualifiers).